Saigonfood changes consumers’ perception of the quality offresh porridge products


Saigonfood is a reputable and popular food brand known for quality and diversity in its products. It is famous for providing delicious and genuine products, ranging from processed foods to packaged goods. Fresh porridge is one of notable products from Saigonfood. The ingredients used by Saigonfood always guarantee freshnes, meeting stringent standards for food quality and safety.


Although Saigonfood’s fresh porridge has been on the market for a while, the products still appear novel and haven’t garnered much support from mothers. The reason is that mothers always prioritize their child’s health, and they are very careful in selecting and preparing food. They believe that feeding children homemade meals contributes to comprehensive development, even though the preparation process consumes a significant amount of time. Consequently, when choosing food for their children, fresh porridge is often overlooked due to its packaged food process, raising concerns among mothers about the safety and nutritional content that their children absorb.


Changing perception and usage behavior of mothers towards Saigonfood’s fresh porridge products, thereby encouraging them to consider the product as the top alternative food choice for their babies.


The deep-rooted concerns regarding the choice of fresh porridge products stem from preconceived notions about packaged items containing high levels of preservatives and lacking in nutritional value. This is a significant obstacle in convincing mothers, who are always careful when selecting food for their children.


The most crucial task in this campaign is to change mothers’ perspectives on the quality and safety of fresh porridge products. To achieve this, a key factor is to build trust through authentic endorsements and evaluations from reputable influencers within the community, specifically, hot moms. These are mothers who are followed by many other breastfeeding moms due to their activities in sharing information and knowledge about childcare and family.

The authenticity and positive evaluations from these influential mothers will be the key to helping Saigonfood build trust and alter perceptions. Consequently, this will position fresh porridge product as the top choice in the minds of customers.


Conduct a blind test video to arouse curiosity and prove the quality of fresh porridge among consumers

Saigonfood has set a challenge for families to distinguish between the porridge cooked by mothers and Saigonfood’s fresh porridge. Surprisingly, not only the children, who are familiar with the taste of their mothers’ porridge, but even experienced mothers with many years of cooking experience have failed the challenge. 

This highlights the high quality of Saigonfood products, which are as delicious and nutritious as the porridge cooked by mothers. The blind test video has been widely shared on the fan pages of popular moms such as Di Phạm, Lê Tuyết Trinh, and on parenting pages like Mẹ yêu con, Cùng con, etc.

Livestream to unveil the ‘Fresh Tips’ from Saigonfood

Saigonfood invites famous families and hot moms to a livestream to share precious tips on taking care of children: what to feed them when going out, relaxed experiences during the weaning period, and more.

The family of singer - Đăng Khôi and Thủy Anh livestream preparing fresh porridge for their baby before going on a long trip

The family of singer – Đăng Khôi and Thủy Anh livestream preparing fresh porridge for their baby before going on a long trip

 PR campaign “Nutrition food for children” for Saigonfood’s fresh porridge

The topic of “Nutrition food for children” from Saigonfood has attracted significant attention from reputable websites dedicated to Mothers & Babies, along with active engagement from breastfeeding mothers.

aFamily - Mother helps child eat healthily and wisely thanks to Saigonfood fresh porridge

aFamily – Mother helps child eat healthily and wisely - Tips for getting your child to eat well naturally and willingly thanks to Saigonfood fresh porridge – Tips for getting your child to eat well naturally and willingly

Series of knowledgeable and interactive content with “Fresh Assistant” for fresh porridge

Fresh Assistant provides nutritional information for mothers about their babies

Fresh Assistant provides nutritional information for mothers about their babies

Fresh assistant provides and updates information about Fresh Porridge products

Fresh assistant provides and updates information about Fresh Porridge products

Fresh Assistant organizes a mini-game of fresh porridge to help children eat healthily, thereby the family is happy

Fresh Assistant organizes a mini-game to help children eat healthily, thereby the family is happy


Saigonfood’s campaign has achieved successful results, such as:

  • Generating over 10 million impressions with nearly 4.7 million reach.
  • The viral clip received 5 million views.
  • Keyword volume for “Fresh Porridge SG Food” increased during the campaign period.


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